National Dance Day Unity in Community Through Dance

Can Greensboro Boys and Girls Club Make It 3 Years In A Row On National Television?
Approximately 100 boys and girls set to take center stage in downtown Greensboro for National Dance Day

Greensboro, NC – Hip hop hats and sherbet lime t-shirts, with a high dose of excitement coming from more than 100 boys and girls from ages 6 to 12, will fill the main stage area in The Regency Room of downtown Greensboro on Saturday, July 25, 2015. Like no other National Dance Day before, members from The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Greensboro will dance together, with special guests, family and friends, as well as the general public, as tickets are FREE. With such a large event and the hopes that the community will turn out like never before, the boys and girls are working towards being the third group of Salvation Army club members to be featured on national television within a day or so after their performance.

“All of us at Woodruff Family Law Group have come to look forward to this event each year. Along with Fred Astaire Greensboro, we continue to see value in giving back in a ‘hands-on’ way. Performing various styles of dance, dancing alongside these boys and girls, and educating them about healthy food options is very rewarding. But most importantly, letting them know they are special, they have promise, and they can do anything they set their minds on makes every rehearsal with these children a gift, all the way through our big performance on National Dance Day. We really are hoping to have a lot of local support in the audience and on stage, when we invite everyone to join us”, says Woodruff Family Law Group, President & Owner, Carolyn J. Woodruff.

The free summer dance camp first began in 2013 with approximately 35 boys and girls. This year, 70 percent of Greensboro’s Boys & Girls Club children, ages 6 through 12, signed up for the dance camp. The group is now 103 children strong. Woodruff Family Law Group and Fred Astaire Greensboro join forces to cover all costs of dance rehearsals, including professional dance instruction, healthy lifestyle trivia, healthy snacks after each rehearsal, social media promotion, local media coverage, national dance celebrity performances, and a LIVE venue to perform in front of family, friends and the local community on National Dance Day.

“Every year, we have such a great time working with these kids from The Boys & Girls Club. I can’t believe how fast they learn each routine. This year, the group of kids is more than double what we have had before. They are so enthusiastic and energetic and they are picking up this routine so fast. All of us at Fred Astaire Greensboro are so proud of each and every one of these boys and girls. I really think that this is the year to come out and see this group of kids perform. The costumes, the kids’ faces and their great performance, some surprises along the way – really, where else can you have this much great entertainment for FREE”, says Fred Astaire Co-owner, Alosha Anatoliy.

The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Greensboro serves over 600 members who are comprised of children and youth age 6 to 18 years old. Over 85% of the club members live in Greensboro Housing Communities. Over 90% of club members are part of, at best, single mother homes. Over 85% of club members are part of families living well below the poverty line with an annual household income of approximately $7,200.00. Through participation with The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Greensboro, 90% of club membership will experience improved academic success and less than 5% will be involved in any way, with the juvenile justice system.

National Dance Day Unity in Community Through Dance
203 South Elm Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Event begins at 2pm
For Free Tickets:

Through care, integrity, and honesty, we at Woodruff Family Law Group, based in Greensboro, North Carolina are committed to you, our clients in the State of North Carolina by providing creative and impactful solutions. Our focus will always be achieving your most important goals and objectives, from your initial consultation and throughout every step we take together on behalf of you and every member of your family who is important to your case. For more information, visit our website at or call us at (336) 272-9122. We are located at 420 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC, 27401.

Alosha Anatoliy Teaching Kids Kids Dancing Kids with Carolyn Woodruff